Highest to Lowest - Prison Population Rate

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Data shown in the highest to lowest lists are the most recent available but not necessarily from the same date. Please click on each individual country to see the date to which the data refer. As it is not possible to obtain meaningful comparative data on numbers of children in custody in different countries, we do not include juvenile imprisonment data in the highest to lowest lists.

Ranking Title Prison Population Rate
  Hong Kong (China) 121
  Japan 33
  Thailand 391
  Taiwan 243
  Sri Lanka 139
  Indonesia 95
  Cambodia 257
  India 41
  Vietnam 135
  Bangladesh 50
  Nepal 90
  Macau (China) 197
  Uzbekistan 85
  Malaysia 217
  Afghanistan 45
  Kyrgyzstan 117
  Republic of (South) Korea 103
  Pakistan 38
  Singapore 156
  Philippines 162
  Maldives 314
  Kazakhstan 184
  Tajikistan 141
  Mongolia 183
  Laos 166
  Myanmar (formerly Burma) 183
  Turkmenistan 576
  China 119
  Brunei Darussalam 186
  Iran 228
  Democratic People's Republic of (North) Korea
  Bhutan 145