ICPS Associates Danny McAllister and Christine Fisher, supported by their interpreter Walid Safar, delivered four one day courses on a human rights approach to security for 70 members of staff, and a further four day course for a selected group of 9 staff in Al Jawiya Prison, Misrata, Libya. The course and the accompanying Workbook were devised and produced as part of a project to support the Libyan Judicial Police in managing their prisons and were funded by the UK Security, Justice and Defence Programme in Libya. Following the courses the Minister of Labour for Libya presented course certificates to the participants.
The photograph shows in the front row, from left to right, ICPS Associate Danny McAllister; the Minister of Labour for Libya, Mohamed Swallem; Col. Jamal Abubriedaa, Director of Al Jawiya Prison, and ICPS Associate Christine Fisher, with course members.