ICPS contributes to 12th UN Crime Congress

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Rob Allen
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Then ICPS Director Rob Allen participated in the UN Crime Congress in Salvador, Brazil from 12th -17th April. He was the scientific rapporteur of the Congress Workshop on Best Practices in Prisons and also made a presentation at the Workshop on Reducing Overcrowding. He also spoke at two ancillary meetings on Pre-Trial Detention (organised by the Open Society Justice Initiative) and on inspection of places of detention. Rob also participated in discussions about the case for a new binding convention on prisoners’ rights proposed by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and revisions to the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners proposed by a Permanent Latin American Committee.

Rob's presentation on overcrowding can be downloaded above

A  video recording of the workshop can be downloaded from the following link:www.un.org/webcast/crime2010/ondemand.asp 

A report of the meeting can be downloaded from the following link:www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2010/soccp352.doc.htm

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