ICPR holds international prisoner health conference
On 8 and 9 November 2018, ICPR welcomed speakers from Brazil, America, Thailand, Australia, the Netherlands and the UK to share their expertise on prison health.
On 8 and 9 November 2018, ICPR welcomed speakers from Brazil, America, Thailand, Australia, the Netherlands and the UK to share their expertise on prison health.
ICPR has produced the forty seventh issue of the International Prison News Digest, a selection of news items from around the world on prison and the use of imprisonment.
Well over 11 million people are held in penal institutions throughout the world, according to the latest edition of the World Prison Population List (WPPL), researched and compiled by Roy Walmsley and published on 6 November 2018 by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (ICPR), at Birkbeck, University of London.
The Institute for Criminal Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London is holding a free international conference over two days, 8 and 9 November 2018, on the Bloomsbury campus.
On Friday night (5 October) the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (ICPR, at the School of Law, Birkbeck) presented a film screening of 'Tre Maison Dasan', an award winning documentary film about three American boys, each with a parent in prison.
ICPR has produced the forty sixth issue of the International Prison News Digest, a selection of news items from around the world on prison and the use of imprisonment. The Digest is produced bi-monthly and this issue covers the period from 1 July to 31 August 2018.
Professor Andrew Coyle spoke at the launch of the 3rd edition of the key text A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff which he co-authored with ICPR Research Fellow Helen Fair.
Wednesday 18 July saw the launch of the 3rd edition of A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff, co-authored by Professor Andrew Coyle, Emeritus Professor of Prison Studies at the University of London, and Helen Fair, Research Fellow at the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (ICPR) at Birkbeck.
ICPR has produced the forty fifth issue of the International Prison News Digest, a selection of news items from around the world on prison and the use of imprisonment. The Digest is produced bi-monthly and this issue covers the period from 1 May - 30 June 2018.
ICPR has produced the forty fourth issue of the International Prison News Digest, a selection of news items from around the world on prison and the use of imprisonment. The Digest is produced bi-monthly and this issue covers the period from 1 March - 30 April 2018.