Close to three million people in pre-trial detention worldwide, new report shows

18 Jun 2014
Close to three million people are held in pre-trial detention and other forms
of remand imprisonment throughout the world according to the second edition of 
the World Pre-trial/Remand Imprisonment List (WPTRIL), researched and compiled by 
Roy Walmsley and published on 18 June by the International Centre for Prison Studies, 
a partner of the University of Essex. 

ICPS contributes to WHO Europe Guide on Prisons and Health

23 May 2014

WHO Europe has today published the second edition of its highly successful Guide on Prisons and Health. Once again this includes a chapter by ICPS Trustee Professor Andrew Coyle on “Standards in prison health: the prisoner as a patient.”

ICPS was a founding member of the WHO Prison Health Network and continues to have close links with its Health in Prisons Project.

The Guide is available from the WHO Europe website:

A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff available in Brazilian Portuguese

21 May 2014

The Second Edition of the ICPS publication A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese.

ICPS is grateful to Odilza Lines de Almeida, Professora Adjunta at the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia for arranging the translation.

The Brazilian Portuguese translation can be downloaded here:

The United Kingdom’s National Preventive Mechanism: Five Years On

15 May 2014

Professor Andrew Coyle led a workshop at a conference held in Bristol University’s Human Rights Implementation Centre on 8 April 2014 to mark the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the United Kingdom’s OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism.

The workshop was on the theme "The NPM’s response to diversifying models of detention in the United Kingdom: challenges for inspection and monitoring" and Andrew’s introductory remarks can be downloaded here 

Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement in Spanish

08 May 2014

ICPS Associate Dr. Sharon Shalev’s Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement is now available in Spanish and can be downloaded from the website

The English version of the Sourcebook was published in 2008 and provides a comprehensive single point of reference on solitary confinement, its documented health effects, and professional, ethical and human rights guidelines and codes of practice relating to its use.

ICPS delivers prison management workshop for ICRC in Ethiopia

01 May 2014

ICPS Associate Alistair Bailey delivered a prison management course to twenty senior Ethiopian prison staff between 17 and 21 March 2014 in Addis Ababa.  The course was organised and funded by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The workshop brought together senior prison staff from federal and regional prison administrations. It is one of two courses developed by ICPS on behalf of ICRC and focuses on identifying problems in prison management, finding solutions, developing a project plan and implementing it.

The group photograph shows the workshop attendees including senior prison staff from federal and regional prison administrations with ICPS Associate Alistair Bailey third row, top left.

ICPS Associates deliver training course for Libyan Judicial Police staff

09 Apr 2014

ICPS Associates Dr Shane Bryans and Christine Fisher, supported by their interpreter Walid Safar, delivered a Training of Trainers course for Libyan Judicial Police staff between the 29 March and 3 April 2014. The course was part of a programme of support for the Judicial Police funded by the UK Security, Justice and Defence Programme in Libya.

ICPS Director visits Panama

04 Apr 2014

Dr Peter Bennett visited Panama from 23-28 March at the invitation of the British Embassy, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Panamanian Prison Service.

Over the past three years the Panamanian Government, supported by UNODC, has embarked on an ambitious programme of prison reform. Central to reform implementation has been the re-opening of the Prison Services Training Academy and the professionalization of custodial staff through improved recruitment, training and conditions of service.
